About us


Gaby et Jean-Paul aux Canaries, échappant aux rigueurs de l'hiver français

There we go again !

After keeping relatively quiet for three years, travel fever has hit us once again and we are putting the final touch to our latest project : leaving for a rather long time to discover countries where we have not been yet, those in norther South America and Central America.

14 weeks for 6 countries : this may sound too long … or too short. Let’s hope we nailed it.

Our friends already know that we completed our first (and only) round the world tour 3 years ago. It had lasted 4 months. We found this first experience most rewarding and promised ourselves to leave again on a long haul trip without really knowing where to.

This time the trip will be slightly shorter but will concentrate more on a part of the world where we haven’t been yet, which on the face of it seems very interesting and which we both would like to discover.

As we did during our last long trip, we will try to maintain a blog to keep our friends and relatives updated on a hopefully regular basis on our experiences, impressions and feelings. This will of course depend on how much our own schedule and strength will allow and also on the quality of the available networks.

If you are interested in following this blog, you can freely visit us once in a while or, better, subscribe to it so you are informed by email whenever a new post is online

For those of you who understand different languages, we will post in French, English and German. Gaby will post in the latter language and these posts will contain her own impressions, often different from mine. As for me I can’t promise to translate every post from French, my main language, to English but I will do my best.

As soon as we have processed our own photos, we will post them in galleries but this might take a little while.

Just to get to know us a little better, I’m French, 66, a retired lawyer and an adept amateur photographer while Gaby is German, a piano fan and 54. We have been married 25 years and live happily in France, in the Basque Country.